[fedora-java] gcj4 status in FC4

Mark Wielaard mark at klomp.org
Mon Feb 21 19:59:08 UTC 2005


On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 20:38 +0100, Ziga Mahkovec wrote:
> How much of the recent work on gcj can we expect in gcc4 (and
> consequently in FC4)?  Specifically, will the recent imageio and
> AWT/cairo improvements from the java-gui-20050128-branch be available?

The wholeimageio, cairo and gui-branch was merged into trunk (which will
become 4.0) last week. So, the short answer is "all of it". It isn't
clear whether FC4 will include cairo though. So you might have to do
without -Dgnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.Graphics=Graphics2D. It is off by
default, and needs to be explicitly enabled by configuring gcc with
--enable-gtk-cairo, which is currently not done for the FC4 pre-releases
of gcc that I have seen. (Most things work fine without it, just
Graphics2D support isn't there then.)


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