[fedora-java] Re: jpackage.org and FC4

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Tue Jul 26 15:54:24 UTC 2005

On Mar 26 juillet 2005 16:35, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> Gary Benson wrote:
>> Ian Pilcher wrote:
>>>Gary Benson wrote:
>>>>In short, update from JPackage's yum repository at your peril.
>>>And therein lies a problem.  As you say, there are valid reasons for
>>>using JPackage RPMs on Fedora Core 4, but doing so is "perilous".
>> Yes, though again it's only a problem if you replace Fedora packages
>> with JPackage ones.  Installing packages from JPackage that do not
>> exist in Fedora should pose no problems.
> So I can install Sun's JDK via JPackage, develop a web application, and
> be sure that it will run on Fedora's Tomcat?

So you can develop and package an app, and (provided you've followed the
rules) people can change the implementation of your all your app
dependencies without needing to change your package.

This means switching from Sun JVM to gcj, changing XML parsers, etc.

Of course this is only at the package level. You still need to do some QA
to check you're not hitting a bug in the new dependency implementation
that wasn't there in the one you've used before. Build once, run
everywhere always actually meant build once, test everywhere.

Nicolas Mailhot

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