[fedora-java] Re: Which JVM is faster

Robin Green greenrd at presidium.org
Tue Jul 26 22:15:28 UTC 2005

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:46:50 -0600, C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

> Hello all,
> Is there any benchmark comparison between JVMs?
> I wonder if the one that comes with FC4 is as fast or faster

Generally slower, in my subjective experience. Although with stuff like
eclipse, not that much slower, in most circumstances.

There are a range of other options for "free java" virtual machines
(however, they are all incomplete). Cacao looks promising but it's still a
bit flaky. Not ready for production use yet.

> and if it 
> is 100% compatible with all java apps.

Absolutely not!

It is not finished yet. It is compatible with less than half of Java apps
and applets. However, it is progressing in leaps and bounds,
and could always use more volunteers.


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