[fedora-java] Re: jpackage.org and FC4

Ian Pilcher i.pilcher at comcast.net
Wed Jul 27 02:22:35 UTC 2005

Robin Green wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 17:54:24 +0200, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>>So you can develop and package an app, and (provided you've followed the
>>rules) people can change the implementation of your all your app
>>dependencies without needing to change your package.
> Actually, no. Fedora's tomcat packages contain a native and a non-native
> version. The native version only works with libgcj, which is not 100%
> compatible with Sun's Java. That's an important caveat, I think.

I suspected as much.  I believe that this situation should be addressed,
if possible.

Ian Pilcher                                        i.pilcher at comcast.net

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