[fedora-java] Re: Replacing FC4 Free Java with SUN's Java

David Walluck david at zarb.org
Wed Jul 27 14:01:34 UTC 2005

Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net> wrote:

> The problem is only with the compat- package
> The sun rpm declares it provides xml-commons but does not put a symlink to
> it in the right place so all the scripts that do a
> build-classpath xml-commons
> fail when yum removes the external xml-commons during the upgrade.

Do you mean xml-commons or xml-commons-apis? Anyway, this won't affect 
my answer

This sounds like a bug in the sun-compat package. If Sun claims to provide
xml-commons but doesn't actually do so, then the sun-compat package should do
so  by requiring xml-commons-apis, or if need be, by some sort of hack, like a
file based requires on %{_javadir}/xml-commons-apis.jar. I am not sure if
sun-compat should provide xml-commons or not. In JPackage, this package
contains no jars anyway.

This should fix the problem, if I understand correctly.


David Walluck
<david at zarb.org>

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