[fedora-java] subversion java bindings

Anthony Green green at redhat.com
Fri Mar 4 17:50:16 UTC 2005

With a little subversion.spec tweaking, I have the rawhide subversion
java bindings (svn-javahl.jar) and JNI library (libsvnjavahl-1.so)
building out of the box right now.  

Nothing currently in FC depends on this library since the current spec
file disables it, but I think it makes sense to turn it on since the
Eclipse svn plugin uses it, as well various servlets people have
developed and are using.

It wants to install the jar file in /usr/lib/svn-javahl.  Should we move
this to /usr/share/java?  That seems like the right thing to do.  I
suppose I can figure out the native build bits once I see how other
packages are managing it.

I've attached the changes for review...


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