[fedora-java] New Eclipse stuff in rawhide

Phil Muldoon pmuldoon at redhat.com
Sat Mar 5 16:54:31 UTC 2005

> Some exciting new stuff has landed in rawhide over the past few days:
> eclipse-bugzilla, eclipse-changelog, and eclipse-pydev!  

Also, as of last night, eclipse-cdt (C/C++ Development Environment for
Eclipse) has been built and added. 

In addition, again as of last night, all of the plug-ins above have been
built for the x86_64 architecture.

> If you don't have it already, try something like this:
> yum --enablerepo=development install \
>   eclipse-{bugzilla,jdt,changelog,pydev} java-1.4.2-gcj-compat{,-devel,-src}



Phil Muldoon

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