[fedora-java] New Eclipse stuff in rawhide

Phil Muldoon pmuldoon at redhat.com
Mon Mar 7 19:06:08 UTC 2005

> Here is a list of the build methods that I've come up with, as well as
> my proposed solution (which I just updated about five minutes ago):
> http://people.redhat.com/bkonrath/eclipse/buildable-source-zips.html

I liked your proposed solution. I don't think adding the native step to
the build.xml is a large burden, especially if there are already patches
generated and pushed upstream. We can add those to the Fedora Eclipse
while we wait. 

The releng plug-in being necessary is not a huge deal either. They are
pretty standard now, and don't require much knowledge investment to get
going. Also eclipse.org has standardized on the releng build method, so
it should be in our best interest that all plug-ins that ship in Fedora
Extras/Core should have one. If there are third party authors out there
that don't have them, we can always assist as necessary.

Anybody else in the community have any comments on this, or other
proposals? I'd like to get the ball rolling on this, and we can maybe
get the implementation working before May and the final Fedora 4


Phil Muldoon

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