[fedora-java] Automated Eclipse tests

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Tue Mar 8 15:40:55 UTC 2005

CCing Bryce McKinlay

* Dimitrie O. Paun <dpaun at rogers.com> [2005-03-07 22:16]:
> On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 03:20:38PM -0700, Aaron Luchko wrote:
> > I've been pitting them up against the IBM and BEA jvms we have for the
> > stuff we ship with RHEL-3, the last time I successfully ran them was
> > with the last 3.0 we had, it didn't fare too badly other than debugging
> > (no JDWP) though our stuff has changed quite a bit since then.
> "didn't fare too badly" = faster, slower, about the same? Any hard numbers?

I don't have any hard numbers, but things feel about the same or faster
than with a proprietary JVM.  The thing to remember is that we have no gcj
optimizations turned on at this point.  I know Bryce was working on it ...
Bryce, do you have a status of that?


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