[fedora-java] tomcat5

Nicolas Mailhot Nicolas.Mailhot at laPoste.net
Tue Mar 8 19:40:29 UTC 2005

Le mardi 08 mars 2005 à 12:24 -0700, Tom Tromey a écrit :
> >>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Mailhot <Nicolas.Mailhot at laPoste.net> writes:
> Nicolas> You have to remember though things move in-jvm every release
> Nicolas> and it's mightily nice to be able to hide these changes from
> Nicolas> the packages so you don't have to rewrite specs all the time
> Yeah... actually I'm fine with leaving things as they are.  I just
> wasn't sure where these symlinks should point for libgcj.  But it
> sounds like just pointing them at libgcj.jar should work.

The symlinks are actually just a security (yes the jvm includes stuff we
need). You can probably point them to any jar you like - if the stuff in
internal to the jvm it'll be added to the classpath anyway.

It's nicer to point them to the real implementation though, if only to
document the jvm internal layout.


Nicolas Mailhot
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