[fedora-java] Using the natively-built Eclipse compiler

Ziga Mahkovec ziga.mahkovec at klika.si
Tue Mar 8 21:32:17 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-03-06 at 02:42 -0800, Anthony Green wrote: 
> ant and javac aren't currently using the natively-built Eclipse
> compiler.
> We need to add something like the following to /usr/bin/ant in order to
> pick up the .so files:
> [...]
> This will shave minutes off of the build times for some packages.

I compared the compilation times for a simple HelloWorld class:

ecj                |  ecj-native         |  jikes
real    0m8.462s   |  real    0m8.624s   |  real    0m0.101s
user    0m7.791s   |  user    0m8.230s   |  user    0m0.048s
sys     0m0.093s   |  sys     0m0.083s   |  sys     0m0.006s

(warm startups)

I wanted to run the same test for the GNU Classpath library, but ecj
kept throwing an internal compiler error (with or without your patch;
I'll file a bug report).  Anyway, the error is thrown after 32 seconds,
while jikes compiles the entire library in 11 seconds.

I suppose ecj would also profit from -O2?


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