JMX and JMX Remote (was: Re: [fedora-java] tomcat5)

Vadim Nasardinov vadimn at
Wed Mar 9 18:03:12 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 09 March 2005 12:51, Anthony Green wrote:
> > This doesn't parse.  What's included in Sun's rt.jar?  MX4J?
> Yes, it looks that way.

It doesn't quite look that way from where I sit.  MX4J is an
implementation of JMX and JMX Remote.  These *are* included
in J2SE 1.5 (5.0):

However, they are not part of J2SE 1.4:

You have to download these separately, if you want to use Sun's
reference implementation under JDK 1.4:

Are we both looking at the same thing?

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