[fedora-java] Self Introduction - Bob Deblier

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Wed Mar 9 21:22:49 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Bob" == Bob Deblier <bob.deblier at telenet.be> writes:

Bob> Support for gcj should be easier once
Bob> libgcj contains javax.crypto - is this planned for 4.0?

Yes, it is in there.
If your native library uses jni, and you have java-gcj-compat
installed, you can build your code against gcj using the same
build.xml that you would use for the jdk.  This is the simplest way
to go.  (Well, aside from building a .so and registering it... that
needs gcj-specific code of course)

If you want to use CNI, to avoid the JNI performance penalty, then
you have to do more work.


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