[fedora-java] mod_jk

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Thu Mar 17 14:46:15 UTC 2005

--On Thursday, March 17, 2005 11:01 AM -0300 Fernando Lozano 
<fernando at lozano.eti.br> wrote:

> This is not the http connector, it is the ajp connector. It is necessary
> only if you want apache to serve as a front-end for tomcat, say when a
> site needs to run both jsp and php, or you want apache to load balance
> many tomcat instances. I would like to have it, but it is not strictly
> necessary to run java web apps using tomcat.

But it is necessary if, like me, you're serving a "regular" web site and 
need to integrate somebody's Java app. I've been running Apache/PHP for 
some time and now want to run DataVision 
<http://datavision.sourceforge.net/> and the cookbook for web integration 
<http://www.omnytex.com/articles/dvweb/> calls for Tomcat. (Right now I'm 
stuck trying to figure out how to map a URI to the dvwebapp example 

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