[fedora-java] db merging script

Phil Muldoon pmuldoon at redhat.com
Thu Mar 24 00:55:39 UTC 2005

> If it isn't too unwieldy, I would like to see this whole section
> replaced by a single call to some shell script to automate the
> find-compile-db loop.  My goal is to make gcj-izing a jpackage RPM
> utterly trivial...

Andrew Overholt and I mused around with creating a wiki page somewhere
along the lines of "How to build your Java project with GCJ and package
it to rpm", and highlight some of the pitfalls, and strategies involved
here (that our group encountered with Eclipse). I'm not sure if Fedora
Core has a semi official wiki somewhere, but it is something I would
like to do. Also another wiki on how to debug your natively built Java
app. Hopefully that would help any Extra's project find the right path;
and make things even easier.



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