[fedora-java] db merging script

Anthony Green green at redhat.com
Fri Mar 25 18:56:07 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-03-25 at 11:33 -0700, Tom Tromey wrote:
> Anthony> hmmm.. what do you mean by "find" in find-compile-db?  I
> Anthony> don't think it's safe to simply compile and db-ify any .jar
> Anthony> file in your build tree.
> I was thinking we would do this in %install, by compiling every jar
> (or war or ...) we found in the install tree.  But maybe it is ugly
> not to do in %build -- in which case, yeah, we need to do more
> manually.

I don't think we'll get much support for compiling these at install
(1) as Jakub recently pointed out, it would require gcj to be installed
just to install java applications.
(2) releng types have told us that slowing down the install by compiling
things at install time is a non-starter.


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