[fedora-java] native and regular eclipse freezing in fc4t1

zbalevsky zbalevsky at limepeer.com
Sat Mar 26 04:56:55 UTC 2005

Ben Konrath wrote:

>On Fri, Mar 25, 2005 at 04:49:40PM -0500, zbalevsky wrote:
>>I'm attaching the logfile.  It is possible that some of the last 
>>messages did not make it to disk when the system froze.
>Yeah, your right that doesn't show anything. I remember having the
>same problem a couple of weeks ago but I could not reproduce it
>reliably. Can you try running eclipse again with a clean workspace and a
>clean configuration directory? 
>To do this you should first move the configuration files out of the way:
>mv  ~/.eclipse{,.bak}
>Normally it's safe to just delete this directory, but it would be useful
>for us to see if this is causing problems. Now to run eclipse with a
>clean workspace, just do:
>eclipse -consolelog -debug -data path/to/workspace/
>Note: the workspace shouldn't exist, eclipse will create a new
>directory if nothing is there.
>Cheers, Ben
Hi again,

I'm attaching a log of a freeze when the workspace does not exist.

I really don't think this is an eclipse problem since when I ran it 
under strace -ff everything went fine (albeit excruciatingly slow).  Any 
idea where I can take this issue next?  gcj / gij / kernel people?  If I 
open a bugzilla will it end up being redirected here?
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