[fedora-java] Sun to host Online Live Q/A Conference on Java Application Deployment (WebStart) tmrw March 1st(Boycoting?)

NetSQL maillist at friendVU.com
Tue Mar 1 04:52:59 UTC 2005

Some of you are familiar with limits of applets. Web start (JNLP) allows 
for a more of a rich user interface then what we can do w/ Applets and 
DHTML. But deploying Java, applets and applications over the internet 
can be a challenge, including security warnings for registered 
applications and installation of current version of java by non-computer 
savvy users of our applications (can your father in law install and 
launch a WebStart application?)
The lead of Sun’s Java deployment team and usability experts (Mike 
Albers -J2SE UI expert will be there hopefully) will answer your 
questions at 11 AM California time and guide you. Here are the details 
of how to participate for FREE:

Above link should be enough.
Some people are *boycotting* the chat conference because of issues since 
about 2001(it appears that a individuals at Sun believe that they should 
PERVENT deployment – that they are doing us a favor, listed here:

One important issue was picked up here (Scary screen for registered 
Sun’s stance is that it’s RFE and will not address it with wide 
deployment of Java 6 (aka Mustang) in 2007, and not on JRE 1.4.x 
updates, and will not do word smiting to clarify the application is 
Another issue is deploying/update Java by corporate end users at 
organizations that have a LAN admin.

Sample “applets” sites:
One example of RiA is (click to run it)

MacroMedia and MS Longhorn also have RiA kits, you can read this as 
intro to RiA:
RiA will be major part of SoA – Services.
Server side Java will be limited w/o Client Side Java.

You want to hear deployment answers from Sun people in charge? OK, tmrw. 
11AM CA time (2PM? NY time)


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