[fedora-java] libgcj javadoc rpm

Anthony Green green at redhat.com
Wed Mar 9 09:04:24 UTC 2005

(This thread was actually about javadoc for libgcj, but....)

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 22:41 -0500, Thomas Fitzsimmons wrote:
> The plan is to ship the geronimo specs RPM, which includes a JTA
> implementation.  This will happen in about a week, when Fernando
> packages it.

We don't really need this for gcj, since libgcj already includes a JTA
implementation.  The only question is how to make the jta jar file
available.  I've been proposing extracting the bytecode from libgcj and
putting it into a new jar file somewhere (the GCC spec file maybe).
tromey just suggesting symlinking libgcj.jar to the missing jar files,
and there's another proposal to create and use brand new RPMs (from
libgcj/classpath source, or geronimo).


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