[fedora-java] Self Introduction - Bob Deblier

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Wed Mar 9 19:10:00 UTC 2005

Bob Deblier writes:
 > On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 11:44 +0000, Andrew Haley wrote:
 > >  > at I'm looking for is advice on the best approach to integrate
 > >  > building a CSP jar file, deriving native interface headers from
 > >  > multiple classes, followed by compiling a C shared library with the
 > >  > native code.
 > > 
 > > Sounds good.  This will be a once only job, will it?
 > Actually, what you suggest makes sense: headers to be generated once by
 > me and included in the cvs and tarball - they shouldn't change. I was
 > doing the following:
 > - figure out which build system is available
 > - generate the jar file with Ant
 > - generate the header files from the jar file with Ant
 > - compile the shared library
 > >  > My tentative approach is using autoconf to figure out if either gcj/gcjh
 > >  > or javac/javah is available, generate a build.xml file for Apache Ant. I
 > >  > have this working for Sun's JDK. Support for gcj should be easier once
 > >  > libgcj contains javax.crypto - is this planned for 4.0?
 > > 
 > > It seems to be there.  Is there anything specific that you think might
 > > be missing?
 > It's not in version 3.4.3-2 and probably should have investigated
 > libgcj-4.0.0 before asking ;)

Don't take my word for it!  Please have a look to see if what you need
is there.  I am not an expert in this area.


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