[fedora-java] db merging script

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Thu Mar 24 00:41:30 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Green <green at redhat.com> writes:

Anthony> No, but I think we should be using versioned names so, in
Anthony> theory, there should be no collisions.

The name would have to include both the package name and the jar name
in the package.  It doesn't matter to me what particular naming
convention we pick, as long as it is reasonably sensible and easy to
automate... we can spell that with a '-' or a '/' :-)

The reason I opted for subdirectories is just that programs like
eclipse already use them.  It presents an obvious mapping from the
.jar structure to the .so cache, and we know it cannot clash as the
original package has no clashes.

Anthony> This will make them usable for explicit linking, and make up a little
Anthony> bit for the fact that we don't have real so name versioning. 

Yeah, this is attractive, at least for some of the libraries.


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