[fedora-java] Eclipse plugins and .dbs

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Thu Mar 24 08:09:58 UTC 2005

On Jeu 24 mars 2005 1:25, Tom Tromey a écrit :
>>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Overholt <overholt at redhat.com> writes:
> Andrew> -Requires: eclipse-ui
> Andrew> +Requires: eclipse-platform
> Andrew> +Requires: gcc-java
> You probably just want to BuildRequires this, and then Require
> whatever tag all the JREs provide.  That way people could still
> install eclipse and a proprietary JRE.  (Perhaps jusst requiring
> eclipse-platform is enough, and that in turn ought to require the
> JRE... I dunno

JPP jres should provide java, and jpp jvms should provide java-devel
(and versionned virtuals too should you require a particular java level)

Nicolas Mailhot

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