[fedora-java] Profiling ecj (was: Using the natively-built Eclipse compiler)

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Fri Mar 25 18:42:29 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Ziga" == Ziga Mahkovec <ziga.mahkovec at klika.si> writes:

Ziga> If I understand correctly, any significant difference in these timings
Ziga> would indicate BC-ABI performance penalty?

There are actually two variables hiding here: in case [3], not only is
(e.g.) jdtcore.jar.so compiled with the BC-ABI, but it is also
compiled from .class files and not .java source.  The latter can
sometimes have a performance impact.  I would suggest adding another
case, namely compiling the .jar files with the C++ ABI to see how that
changes things (note that at the moment you can't compile .java source
using the BC-ABI, as that part of the compiler is unfinished).

It would also be interesting to see oprofile results for these runs.


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