[fedora-java] New Eclipse RPMs

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Mon Mar 28 21:12:04 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Ziga" == Ziga Mahkovec <ziga.mahkovec at klika.si> writes:

>> I could send the patch if someone wants to test it.  Otherwise it will
>> have to wait until I get my tree back in a sane state so I can try it
>> out.

Ziga> I'd be willing to test the patch.  Given that this was actually a native
Ziga> compilation issue[1] (it works fine in interpreted mode), does this
Ziga> patch work around a compiler issue?
Ziga> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=149915

Thanks for pointing this out.  The reason I didn't send the patch is
that it is purely on the runtime side, so probably wouldn't have


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