[fedora-java] Blojsom and Tomcat on FC4

Ziga Mahkovec ziga.mahkovec at klika.si
Sat May 28 21:12:59 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-05-25 at 14:32 -0500, David J. Orme wrote:
> Today I tried to get Blojsom to run inside Tomcat as distributed with
> FC4 test3 (with all updates applied as-of this morning).  It bombed with
> an error in the log file about a malformed regular expression.

You're probably seeing the same problem Anthony reported some time ago:


I sent a classpath patch for review; the attached patch against blojsom
should also do the trick.  After applying it, blojsom seems to work fine
-- at least for the obligatory screenshot :)

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