[fedora-java] Enhanced aot-compile script

Gary Benson gbenson at redhat.com
Fri Nov 11 11:33:36 UTC 2005

Andrew Haley wrote:
> The way this traditionally works in UNIX is by using `make'.
> For example, to rebuild the mail database you simply go to /etc/mail
> and type
>     make
> which does whatever is necessary.
> Why not do it this way with gcj's dependencies?  Just go into
> /var/lib/gcj<blah> and run make?  The makefile can then do
> everything that is necessary, using make's dependency analysis.

That's fine for sendmail, where everything in /etc/mail is owned by
sendmail.  GCJ can't know in advance what will be in /usr/lib/gcj, so
such a makefile would need to be edited or generated by something.
Instead of having a script to build a database, we'd end up with a
script to build a makefile that'd build a database.


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