[fedora-java] How to debugging tomcat5 mailer problems

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Wed Aug 30 17:53:23 UTC 2006

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Carroll <peter.carroll at bluefriday.ca> writes:

Peter> Thanks. I don't think it is the SMTP server per se but this does help. 

Peter> Aug 29 00:08:53 carrera postfix/smtpd[14874]: <
Peter> localhost.localdomain[]: MAIL FROM:<precisionpete at gmail.com> SP
Peter> org.jpackage.mail.inet.smtp.ParameterList at 1d1ae9b9

This is curious, and I would guess the source of the bug.
You'd have to track down where this comes from.


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