[fedora-java] Re: FC5 release notes for java

Anthony Green green at redhat.com
Wed Feb 1 18:39:27 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-01-31 at 14:04 -0600, Weiqi Gao wrote:
> Has anyone noticed the implicit contradiction between "you should use
> the JDK from the JPackage repo" and "you should not use the JPackage
> repo"?

The relationship between JPackage and Fedora Core is complicated.   I
wish it were simpler.

What we really have in FC is a fork of JPackage where we've removed all
dependencies on non-free software, so we're only partly compatible with
the JPackage repository.

>From what I can tell the JPackage project is moving in that same
direction as well.  They appear to be dropping "non-free" dependencies
from their "free" packages.  Can anybody confirm that this is their
actual plan?


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