[fedora-java] Open Xchange

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Tue Feb 14 19:05:13 UTC 2006

>>>>> "Erwin" == Erwin Rol <mailinglists at erwinrol.com> writes:

Erwin> I am working on a RPM for Open Xchange (http://www.open-xchange.org/)
Erwin> for FC5. Since OX uses some com.sun stuff it is a bit of a hack. First i
Erwin> added a CVS snapshot of the classpath javamail becuase OX needed the
Erwin> Rights class, that i could not find in the "normal" FC5 javamail. This
Erwin> all doesn't really work yet but it compiles. 

There was a thread about this last year.  One relevant message:


Erwin> Since you need to login in OX before you can do something that is the
Erwin> first thing that should work, and here is the next problem, i need a
Erwin> LdapName class. I found one in the apache directory package but thats
Erwin> huge (like 5 times bigger than OX) and needs maven to compile. 
Erwin> Does anybody know a good replacement for LdapName ? 

Offhand, I don't.  This class is new in 1.5, we don't have an
implementation in Classpath yet.

Erwin> Than some general questions on how to install java programs, for example
Erwin> the default "make install" of OX installs its jar files
Erwin> in /usr/lib64/open-xchange/. Wouldn't /usr/share/java/open-xchange/ be
Erwin> better ?

Yeah.  Though it is possible, I suppose, for their jar file to be
platform-dependent -- e.g. if they do the trick of stuffing a .so into
the jar.  (But, more likely it is just the old style of using lib and
not share.)

Erwin> How to deal with different versions on the same package, for
Erwin> example the mentioned javamail package, i now have it
Erwin> as /usr/share/java/open-xchange/ox_javamail.jar, since it is only of use
Erwin> to OX (it is a CVS snappshot, i don't want to break other applications
Erwin> with it).

For this, I don't know.


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