[fedora-java] status on FOP, Saxon

Mark Wielaard mark at klomp.org
Wed Feb 15 09:22:49 UTC 2006

Hi Karsten,

On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 17:45 -0800, Karsten Wade wrote:
> Just a follow-up, thanks for the update.  If there is anything that
> Fedora Documentation Project folks can do to help ... and we'll be
> testing Saxon and FOP as soon as the packages are in Extras, so you have
> that help ... just let myself, Tommy Reynolds
> <Tommy.Reynolds at MegaCoder.com>, and/or fedora-docs-list.

I believe in this case the problem is well understood. But if anybody
that has some application that doesn't work (completely) on the free
stack using gcj at this time attends Fosdem next week (February 25 and
26) in Brussels please stop by in the "GNU Classpath & Friends" room:

We have a "Show your App/Hack your App" session that would be a great
time to sit down and get things integrated/fixed. Sometimes the
gcj/classpath hackers don't know which programs/libraries are out there
and/or how they fit together and sometimes the packagers/users don't
know which compiler/library/runtimes tricks can be used to get things
working. It also help us set priorities for things to work on. Knowing
there are eager users to try out your stuff is always encouraging! :)


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