[fedora-java] FC6 gcj notes

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Mon Jul 10 09:52:13 UTC 2006

Anthony Green writes:
 > The whitelist dialog box in gcjwebplugin is pretty intimidating.

Good!  The intention (surely?) is to make sure the chance of someone
not understanding the situation is zero.

 > I was wondering if we could add a button to it that would pop up a
 > Fedora wiki page in a browser explaining the situation a little
 > better to newbies.  I'd be willing to write the page if somebody
 > could add the button.
 > FE now contains all of the dependencies for the MIDI synthesizer
 > providers I wrote (dssi, jack-audio-connection-kit, etc).  I'm not
 > willing to bet we can pull these into Core.  Should I extract those
 > providers from GNU Classpath and make an FE package out of them?
 > Having Eclipse 3.2 in FC6 is awesome.  I am able to remove a number of
 > SWT patches from azureus and rssowl now that we have SWT 3.2.
 > However...
 > I can't optimize Azureus because of this:
 > http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=19505

Mmm.  Jeff Law suggested
<http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2005-10/msg00124.html> a way to
rewrite that patch which might be acceptable.  I may be able to
investigate this week.


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