[fedora-java] FC6 gcj notes

David Walluck david at zarb.org
Tue Jul 18 18:48:18 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Tom Tromey wrote:
> Piling on, I'd like us to ship the 'ecj' branch of gcj instead.
> This is a major upgrade including generics.

Does the ecj branch have any runtime support for generics, or is it just
compile-time support?

> It's not clear whether we can do this in a reasonable timeframe though.
> And I'm sure some would argue that we've already passed the point of
> reasonableness.

I don't think it matters that it's being done late in the test cycle.
The new classpath versions are generally so much better than the old
ones, that I think it will be worth it.

I will be wanted to test the libgcj rpm whenever it is released. I was
actually able to build HEAD (4.2) with the 4.1.1 compiler with a few
changes, but then the bins don't look in the right place for the .spec
file, etc. I don't know if that kind of setup is supported anyway, but
at least HEAD already has 0.91 checked in.

- --

David Walluck
<david at zarb.org>
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