[fedora-java] FOP, gcj, classpath, oh my!

Francis Kung fkung at redhat.com
Thu Sep 14 14:37:52 UTC 2006


> Yes, I’ve just last week started to try to identify what Classpath
> problems are preventing Batik from working.  Since the Fedora people will
> (presumably) only be interested in rasterising static SVG documents,
> this should avoid having to deal with any Swing issues just yet.
> We are collecting the issues regarding FOP and Batik here:
>   http://wiki.apache.org/xmlgraphics/GnuClasspathCompatibility

22938 - java.awt.BasicStroke.createStrokedShape unfinished

is also done; I committed a patch for it a couple of months ago, but the
ticket hasn't been closed yet (waiting for some feedback).

> One thing I have noticed during my limited testing so far is that the
> rasteriser (and the SVG browser, too) is running pretty slowly compared
> to on Sun’s JVM.  My first guess would be a mismatch of ColorModels
> between what Batik is providing and what the Cairo layer underneath is
> exepcting (which was a problem for Batik running under Sun’s OSX JVM a
> while ago), but I haven’t checked into this yet.

AFAIK, we pass everything to Cairo in premultiplied ARGB32 for image
data, if that helps.

I've also run across some problems recently with our ARGB
implementation, mostly with the ordering of bands (resulting in weird
discolouration), but that doesn't sound related...

> Some simple files work, others don’t.  I really have to do some more
> testing before knowing which areas need to be looked at.  I will report
> back (and update the wiki page above) when I have found out more.

I'll wait to hear.


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