[fedora-java] Re: sinjdoc vs gjdoc

Tom Tromey tromey at redhat.com
Mon Apr 9 19:21:30 UTC 2007

>>>>> "Tom" == Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim at redhat.com> writes:

Tom> But instead of keeping gjdoc, I'd prefer to see sinjdoc's output
Tom> improved to match gjdoc's, and highlighted source code linking support
Tom> added to it, in the interests of limiting maintenance overhead (plus
Tom> it's simpler to point people at one free javadoc solution).

I think that the real issue isn't what we do in Fedora, but that gjdoc
is more or less unmaintained upstream.  So, while we were upgrading
the whole toolchain to deal with Java 5, gjdoc got left behind.  Then
we had to find the cheapest way to pick up the pieces ... not very fun
and not the best results :(

Longer term I suppose OpenJDK will be opening their javadoc "soon".


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