[fedora-java] FeatureEclipse33 Status

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Thu Aug 16 15:47:05 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 16:32 -0400, David Walluck wrote:
> I couldn't build changelog. I get the following:
> /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build/scripts/build.xml:22:
> The following error occurred while executing this line:
> /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build/scripts/build.xml:37:
> The following error occurred while executing this line:
> /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.3.0.v20070612/templates/headless-build/customTargets.xml:8:
> Cannot find
> /home/david/rpm/SPECS/eclipse-changelog/BUILD/eclipse-changelog-2.3.4/allElements.xml
> imported from
> /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.3.0.v20070612/templates/headless-build/customTargets.xml

Hmm.  I'm trying to update to 2.5.0 and I'm running into other problems.
I'll hopefully not hit this particular issue but thanks for keeping me
up to date anyway.

> I can't build pydev either, but these seem to be some more serious
> issues with the code itself, particularly
> org/python/pydev/core/structure/FastStack.java.

Ugh.  I think Ben said he'd take a look at this when he gets back to
work on Monday.  Thanks.

> > checkstyle (Rob Myers)
> > - things are good to go, right, Rob?
> This isn't very recent. I did an updated spec for Mandriva. It is
> version 4.3.2 instead of 4.0.1. You can find it here:
> http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/eclipse-checkstyle/current/
> It appears to work well. The only this is as far as the build, it
> doesn't use `buildscripts/copy-platform', but the original Fedora spec
> has this same problem. In general, that script is not consistently used
> across all plugin packages in Fedora.

Can you point to any specific examples?  That script is a stupid hack
anyway, but unless we get some time to fix things upstream, it's not
going to go away :(  See:


> I have also packaged findbugs if anyone at Fedora is
> interested.

Cool.  Anyone?

> Good luck with FC8!

Thanks, David :)

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