[fedora-java] [Q] Autotools Eclipse plugin & build directory

Francois-Xavier KOWALSKI francois-xavier.kowalski at hp.com
Wed Dec 5 08:17:57 UTC 2007

Hello fedora-devel-java,

I am using the Autotools Plug-in version from your Eclipse 
update site, from Eclipse + CDT 4.0.1.

When creating a new autotools project[1], the CDT build directory is 
hard-wired to ${project_loc}/build. Changing this value to some other 
(eg. in my case ${worksspace_loc}/_build) is ignored. As a result:

   1. In case a project already has a "build" sub-directory, the
      autotools plugin enthusiastically damage the content of this
   2. It is not possible to use a single source tree ${project_loc} for
      several build-trees (for example to use several combinations of
      ./configure options)

 From my understanding, the plugin should use both ${project_loc} to run 
the autogen.sh tool, _and_ the GUI-set ${build_dir}to run the configure 
& make tools.

Is this a missing feature or do I mis-understand something?



[1] Or when migrating an existing CDT project, this is the same result.

Francois-Xavier "FiX" KOWALSKI     /_ __        Tel:+33 (0)4 76 14 63 27
HP OpenCall Software  - EMTS      / //_/        Fax:+33 (0)4 76 14 51 62
Media-Processing Engineering        /      http://www.hp.com/go/opencall
                               i n v e n t

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