[fedora-java] Why does eclipse now require lucene-devel?

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Sat Feb 10 13:07:20 UTC 2007


* Mary Ellen Foster <mefoster at gmail.com> [2007-02-10 05:46]:
> Just curious why the latest eclipse-platform in FC6 update-testing
> requires lucene-devel in addition to lucene?

Because eclipse.org ships a lucene-src jar that we wanted to symlink to.
So our lucene package grew a lucene-devel which contains lucene-src to
which we can symlink from the Eclipse SDK.

> When I tried to update this morning, I got hit by the fact that lucene
> is 1.9.1 in jpackage and 1.4.3 in Fedora, and jpackage doesn't have a
> separate -devel subpackage; had to force-downgrade and exclude lucene
> from jpackage to make this work.

So you've been using the JPackage lucene with Fedora Eclipse?
Interesting.  We don't usually recommend mixing repos like that due to
possible API differences between versions of things like lucene.  Did
the Eclipse help system indexing work for you?  That's where it uses

> I've bugzilla'd the out-of-date lucene in Fedora:

We'll have to make sure the new version works with Eclipse.  ISTR it not
compiling against it but I guess we should investigate.  Upstream is
reluctant to move their dependencies forward like this.

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