[fedora-java] Why does eclipse now require lucene-devel?

Mary Ellen Foster foster at in.tum.de
Mon Feb 12 08:11:48 UTC 2007

On 10/02/07, Andrew Overholt <overholt at redhat.com> wrote:
> > Hee ... I have to say I haven't actually used the Eclipse help for
> > probably several years now. (Typical programmer, never actually reads
> > the documentation ... :) ) I remember it used to pop up a Mozilla
> > window that I disliked.
> It'll still do that :)  If you do end up trying it with lucene 1.9, try
> searching for something.  If you haven't done this before, it'll
> probably build an index.  If that works, we're a large percentage of the
> way towards using 1.9 instead of 1.4.3.

I couldn't try this on my laptop at home because I'd already done the
update/downgrade of lucene and I didn't want to rollback. But I just
tried on my work machine this morning, and as far as I can tell help
is working fine with:
- eclipse-platform-3.2.1-23.fc6
- lucene-1.9.1-1jpp

Of course this was by no means an exhaustive test, but everything
seemed to work fine; when I went to "Search" it built an index and
then searches seemed to be successful. But like I said, I haven't used
this for years so there could be something wrong that I'm not


Mary Ellen Foster

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