[fedora-java] Some patches for the eclipse specfile editor

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Tue Mar 13 21:06:46 UTC 2007

* Ben Konrath <bkonrath at redhat.com> [2007-03-13 14:10]:
> Andrew, please correct me if I've misinterpreted anything.

No, this is correct.

Alphonse:  it turns out that it'll be *way* easier if I commit the
specfile editor to the eclipse.org repository first and then commit your
patches on top of that.  There will be less legal stuff to worry about
that way.  I'll commit the specfile editor tomorrow and then look at
your patches.  In the meantime, can you attached the patches to bug
reports in Eclipse bugzilla?  Use this URL:


Sorry for the procedural hoops :(


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