[fedora-java] Re: [linux-distros-dev] auto-provides and requires for OSGi packages

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Thu Mar 29 01:40:01 UTC 2007

* Pascal Rapicault <Pascal_Rapicault at ca.ibm.com> [2007-03-28 21:20]:
> This is for a simple overview, there are other refinements (mostly around
> the use clause) that I won't go into here and that you can find in the OSGi
> spec: http://osgi.org/osgi_technology/download_specs.asp?section=2#Release4

Thanks for the clarification, Pascal.

I guess you could liken import to just relying on a non-package name
Provide of an RPM -- something like what we're trying to for with these
automatic provides.  You could say "Requires:  libgcj.so.7rh" instead of
"Requires:  libgcj" or "Requires:  libgcj = 4.1.1".  But I think this is
different than what you describe and I don't know how yum or other
depsolvers deal with multiple packages Provide'ing the same thing.

Andrew "poor explanation" Overholt
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