[fedora-java] default vm memory settings for fedora eclipse

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Fri Oct 5 13:16:07 UTC 2007

* Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> [2007-10-05 09:01]:
> Andrew Overholt writes:
>  > * Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> [2007-10-05 08:47]:
>  > > So, why don't I just patch IcedTea to use your values as defaults?
>  > 
>  > That would be awesome.  I think Tom Fitzsimmons might actually have some
>  > better values, but anything higher would rock.
> Alright, so I need to do the experiment:
> Duplicate the failures -- you must tell me exactly what to do.
> Rebuild with new values.
> Confirm that the failures no longer happen.

It may be easier for me to do this.  Josh Sumali can help as well as he
can now reliably crash Eclipse within a few minutes.  It's difficult to
reproduce with a simple "run these steps" and even with a large
workspace, I find it happens erratically.

When was the last time I told you something was wrong and it was easy to
reproduce?  :)

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