[fedora-java] packaging eclipse plugin

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Wed Oct 17 17:54:09 UTC 2007


* Christoph Höger <choeger at cs.tu-berlin.de> [2007-10-17 06:16]:
> what is the default fedora way to install eclipse features/plugins?
> What do i have to put where? Are there .spec templates (apart the
> default one which comes with rpmdevtools)? Any hints?

You put features in /usr/share/eclipse/features and plugins in
/usr/share/eclipse/plugins.  The only exceptions are arch-specific stuff
that goes in %{_libdir}/eclipse/{features,plugins}.  Most eclipse-*
packages follow these "rules" pretty well.  Take a look at the ones in
CVS now to get a sense for how to do things.  Find us on #fedora-java or
#eclipse-linux on freenode if no one responds to your mail fast enough

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