[fedora-java] Re: About "Docs/Beats/Java" and jpackage

Thomas Fitzsimmons fitzsim at redhat.com
Fri Oct 19 22:28:27 UTC 2007

Mary Ellen Foster wrote:
> On 16/10/2007, Mary Ellen Foster <mefoster at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also, the highest version of Fedora that JPackage seems to officially
>> support is FC6 (see http://www.jpackage.org/yum.php). So I'm not sure
>> it's helpful even to point people at JPackage for Fedora 8, because
>> I'm not sure there's much useful they can do with it.
> p.s. -- See also this bug report -- at least one other person is also
> having problems with jpackage/Fedora integration.
>     https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=260161

It's too late to resolve this for Fedora 8, but I can provide post-Fedora 8 
updates.  The potential resolutions are:

1) get JPackage to accept rebuild-security-providers upstream
2) implement security.d searching in the JREs
3) inline rebuild-security-providers in post scripts

I proposed rebuild-security-providers for upstream inclusion but received no 


Longer term, my plan is to support security.d in IcedTea/OpenJDK.  External 
security providers would drop config files in /etc/java/security/security.d and 
JREs that support security.d would automatically load them, in addition to the 
providers listed in java.security.

In the short term -- that is, soon after Fedora 8 is released -- I'll inline 
rebuild-security-providers in relevant post scripts, and release a new 
jpackage-utils that doesn't contain the script.

While solution 3) will silence rpm's complaints, it won't solve the fact that 
vanilla jpackage-utils doesn't own /etc/java/security/security.d/.  So JPackage 
users will have to pay attention that applications that run on GCJ and employ 
external security providers are not adversely affected.


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