[fedora-java] Eclipse plugin building script

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Tue Apr 1 02:29:03 UTC 2008

* Mat Booth <fedora at matbooth.co.uk> [2008-03-31 17:20]:
> Nifty script.


> > A drawback is that we're calling copy-platform multiple times
> > for multiple-feature projects like Mylyn and the calls after the first
> > one all say "file exists" for the mkdir and ln -s calls.
> It should be fairly easy to change the copy-platform script to only
> generate the necessary directories and links if they don't already
> exist, shouldn't it?

Yes.  I didn't want to mess with copy-platform since I wanted to get
this script into a build of the SDK.  If you -- or anyone else -- has a
few minutes to make this modification, I'd appreciate any patches.

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