[fedora-java] Eclipse 3.4

Andrew Myers am2605 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 3 23:55:55 UTC 2008

I had a look in there but couldn't see any "sites" defined in there.
When I added in http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/ I got a
message saying "The software items you selected may not be valid with
your current installation.  Do you want to open the wizard anyway to
review the selections?".

I choose yes but it couldn't complete because of some unsatisfied
dependency errors.

Is there (or will there be) something similar to the "Eclipse IDE for
Java EE Developers" download from eclipse.org available, which
includes all this?

2008/8/3 Mat Booth <fedora at matbooth.co.uk>:
> On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 4:38 AM, Andrew Myers <am2605 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I was hoping to use 3.4 with the Web Tools Platform but I am not sure
>> how to do it.  Is it possible?
> With 3.3 in Fedora 9 it is possible to use the Help->Software Updates
> tool to install your favourite non-Fedora add-ons as normal. Hopefully
> the situation is the same for 3.4.
> --
> Mat Booth
> www.matbooth.co.uk

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