[fedora-java] Re: blueMarine and openJDK -- second attempt

Mark Wielaard mark at klomp.org
Wed Aug 6 08:08:06 UTC 2008

Hi Fabrizio,

> Tomorrow I'll try to download Fedora and install it onto an external drive - but
> I think it should be possible to get the .rpm and repackage it to .deb, so I can
> install it on Ubuntu (for a few weeks I'm with a mobile connection, fast enough
> for normal working, but not the best for downloading whole CD/DVDs). Can you
> tell me where can I download the .rpm?

The very latest rpms can always be found through the koji build system:
(Note that some of these are really pretty new/cutting-edge)

Debian (and I assume Ubuntu) comes with alien to convert packages.
But I am pretty sure there must be newer packages also available for
Debian (which hopefully can also be installed on derivatives like
Ubuntu): http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=openjdk
(Not that I would want to discourage you from trying out Fedora, which
is probably the GNU/Linux distro that is most tuned and up to date for
libre-java. http://fedoraproject.org/get-fedora )

> BTW, the performance differences I'm seeing is 2x-6x in slowness - I believe it
> could be the same problem, if they packaged maybe some old VM with Hotspot only
> partially enabled.

Wow, that is a huge slowdown. Unless it is some micro-benchmark that
cannot easily be explained away with old/newer Hotspot for sure. We
definitely need to investigate that. If you could post something to
easily reproduce it that would be appreciated.



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