[fedora-java] Re: blueMarine and openJDK -- second attempt

Benjamin Reed ranger at opennms.org
Wed Aug 6 19:06:23 UTC 2008

Mark Wielaard wrote:

> If you got the source code available that would be a big help. And
> hopefully a simple/short reproducer.

We're trying to get a small test case put together now.  Hard to break 
things out of a billion lines of java+spring xml+hibernate+foo.  =)

>> What's the best way to open a bug on this?  I tried going to the OpenJDK 
>> site and couldn't figure out where to actually report issues. 
>> "Contributing" talks about submitting code, but there's no link to an 
>> issue tracker.  :)
> What the distributions actually package is called IcedTea
> http://icedtea.classpath.org/ which is the project that all GNU/Linux
> distros collaborate on to get top-notch free software java support
> around OpenJDK. It comes with its own bugtracker:
> http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla

I found my way to that eventually, but haven't gotten the test case 
together so hadn't posted anything.  Might I suggest updating the Fedora 
java-X-openjdk packages to be more explicit about what they are?  The 
only indication that it's "icedtea" is the URL in rpm -qi.

Having not followed the many variants of the "we almost have an 
open-source JDK" saga very closely, I'm aware of the different names, 
but not their relationship to each other, and I suspect I'm not the only 
one.  =)

Aaaaaand, in the process of writing this email, Matt Brozowski got a 
nice test case put together.  =)


Just need maven2 installed, and do a "mvn test".

Anyways, thanks again for the response.  I'll open this against IcedTea 
I guess...

Benjamin Reed
The OpenNMS Group

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