[fedora-java] Adding an "asm3" package

Mary Ellen Foster foster at in.tum.de
Wed Aug 13 14:35:45 UTC 2008

2008/8/13 Deepak Bhole <dbhole at redhat.com>:
> I was about to do the same a while ago (upgrade to 3) but then found out
> that it is already in Fedora.. just uses a different name:
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=5418

Aha! I was searching for "asm*", not "*asm*", so I didn't see that.
Never mind, then.


Mary Ellen Foster -- http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/mef/
Informatik 6: Robotics and Embedded Systems, Technische Universität München
and ICCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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