[fedora-java] Help with photran eclipse feature

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Thu Aug 28 18:19:50 UTC 2008


* Orion Poplawski <orion at cora.nwra.com> [2008-08-28 14:09]:
> for feature in org.eclipse.photran_feature org.eclipse.photran.intel \
>                org.eclipse.photran.vpg_feature  
> org.eclipse.photran.xlf_feature

We usually try to match features to binary RPMs.

> Now the issue seems to be how/where to install.  Each of the zip files  
> created starts with the directory "eclipse/" and 3 contain  
> "eclipse/contents.xml" files (which are different) so I don't think they  
> should unzip into the same directory.  What makes sense?

If you want them to all be in the same binary RPM, just unzip them all
there and remove the content.xml.  content.xml is just for speeding up
the first startup after this plugin is installed and isn't strictly


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