[fedora-java] libvirt-java bindings

Benjamin Reed ranger at opennms.org
Tue Jul 1 18:30:55 UTC 2008

David Walluck wrote:

> These should be available through the jpackage macros from
> jpackage-utils (see /etc/rpm/macros.jpackage).

Ah, ok.

> | My main issue is that as a package maintainer, if I want to support
> | Fedora officially *and* other RPM-based distributions (through our own
> Not at all. If you follow the JPackage conventions you will support any
> distribution which carries jpackage-utils. These include: ALT, Fedora,
> Mandriva, PCLOS, Red Hat, Suse, and possibly others.

OK, I'll give the JPackage stuff another look.

My previous foray into jpackage was a mess of hand-building from 
src.rpms and other craziness just to get around things that were already 
provided easily from sun or otherwise, and I must admit, I was very 
turned off by the amount of manual work it took to install something 
when the whole point is to automate installation.  =)

If the tools have gotten better, great, I'll give it another shot.

> This also means, like I said in a previous email, that I don't think
> additional macros are needed, but check the macros file first and see if
> you think anything is missing.

Yeah, if everything conforms to the java/java-devel stuff, then it 
should work.

Thanks for the response, I'll do more investigation.

Benjamin Reed
The OpenNMS Group

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